jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

What have I been doing?

The most important things that I have been working on are the advert and the sketches, it requires a lot of time to come up with ideas and imagination to edit them. Then, I am not professional so I was under a lot of pressure to edit it correctly and make it look kind of professional. You can see my work here:


Instagram: @thegreenpuchu

Then, I have helped people to finish their work.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

Our part for the contest

Uxue and I were assigned to do an add about climatic change. The aim of this advert is to make people aware of the current situation and show them how to prevent our planet from this change.

First of all, we searched videos without copyright for the advert. Then, we looked for two actors or actresses and finally we wrote the script .
Now we need to film some scenes and then edit them. This will be challenging taking into account that we are not professional video makers, and that school keeps us really really busy.
We can't wait until we finish our masterpiece. (:

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

Climatic Change

· Climatic Change in Europe

   Climate change in Europe describes the climate change related issues in Europe. This includes the climate politics, contribution in the global warming and the influence of the global warming in Europe.

In this link you will see how climate change affects Europe


· Why is climate changing?

   Recent warming is a side effect of many things that people do. For instance, driving cars, heating homes, running factories, and transforming forests into towns. Our landfills and farm animals are to blame for recent climate change too.

In this link you will be able to see why the climate is changing.

· 10 things you can do to stop/avoid climate change

   Ever wonder how your tiny carbon footprint really impacts the big picture of climate change? Though you might feel like your lifestyle is insignificant compared to things like oil extraction or vehicle emissions, the choices we make in our day-to-day life  play a major role in slowing climate change. 

In this link you can learn 10 ways to avoid climatic change .

   Climate change affects all regions around the world. Polar ice shields are melting and the sea is rising. In some regions extreme weather events and rainfall are becoming more common while others are experiencing more extreme heat waves and droughts.
These impacts are expected to intensify in the coming decades.

In this link you'll be able to see how climatic change affects not only the world,
but specifically Europe.


jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016

Stop wars!

    It is widely belived that wars are the main problem of our planet nowadays, and I totally agree with this statement. Furthermore, I believe it is high time that we stopped wars or that we tried to do so.

    Obviously, it will not be straightforward to do this. Guns, bombs, weapons... these ought to be banned, we would have less problems. As I think that the main reasons to start wars are political issues and problems that involve owning a country, the people in charge of the countries in wars should meet and discuss about how they could solve it. In this way, innocent people wouldn't die and the conflicts would be solved in the short run.

    I have to highlight that stopping wars will be really tough, however, it is not impossible. Although wars seem unavoidable currently, I am sure they will reach an end in the long run.

Migration, emigration and immigration

Migration: physic movement by humans from one area to another

  • Immigration: movement of people into a destination country to which they are not native.

  • Emigration: act of leaving one's resident country with the intent to settle elsewhere.


martes, 9 de febrero de 2016


    The last two terms were interesting and this term seems to be so as well, but if it's more interesting, better.